Principles of Object-Oriented Design and Architecture


In this course you’re going to master SOLID principles of object-oriented design and architecture. These principles embody more than 40 years of academic research and industry experience, passed to us from previous generations of software engineers. Therefore, by learning SOLID, you gain universal, time-proven tools to build high-quality software.

SOLID is an acronym that stands for five different principles:

  • Single Responsibility Principle
  • Open Closed Principle
  • Liskov Substitution Principle
  • Interface Segregation Principle
  • Dependency Inversion Principle

In this course, you will learn about all five SOLID principles in detail and understand their importance. You will see how these principles manifest themselves in real-world software architecture and discover how they translate into actionable guidelines for writing clean and maintainable code. Speaking about code… SOLID code is flexible, extensible and readable. It is a joy to work with!

In addition to in-depth discussion of SOLID, in this course you will also find many interesting historical facts about the people behind these principles. These short historical references will allow you to see the bigger picture, and they will also make the course much more interesting and engaging for you.

So, if you’re a professional software developer and you’re serious about design, architecture and clean code, this course is for you!

Who this course is for:

  • Developers who want to learn SOLID software architecture and write clean and maintainable applications
