Docker Master Course
Docker Architecture
Now that we’ve got Docker installed, and talked a little bit about what Docker is,let’s talk about what Docker does. The Docker Flow, the fundamental concept, in Docker, it all begins with an image. An image is every file that makes up just enough of the operating system to do what you need to do. Traditionally you’d install a whole operating […]
Run Processes in Containers
So docker containers have one main process, and they can have names. You don’t give it a name, it’ll make one up. Let’s take a look at that. So if I run docker run, just like the example we’ve been using a lot, I’m gonna throw in some extra arguments we haven’t used before. So I’m gonna throw in the –rm. This is a […]
Docker Images
We’ve used quite a few images thus far through this course, and now let’s spend a little bit of time talking about how to manage and keep track of the images we’re working with.So you can list the images that you’ve already downloaded with the docker images command. It only lists the images you’ve already downloaded. It’s not the tool for finding images […]
Docker Volumes
We’ve used quite a few images thus far through this course, and now let’s spend a little bit of time talking about how to manage and keep track of the images we’re working with.So you can list the images that you’ve already downloaded with the docker images command. It only lists the images you’ve already downloaded. It’s not the tool for finding images […]